A free gathering of writers of any genre. 

Vampires are Abroad

Congratulations to Stella Fosse on the publication of her new novel Vampires of a Certain Age. Widely available from independent bookstores (try Bookshop.org for delivery anywhere) and on all electronic platforms. Reviews are always welcome!  

August 13, 1:00 p.m.: Writers Discuss Writing

Please join Carol Philips for a lively and entertaining discussion about all things writing. You are welcome to bring your questions and concerns you have about your own work, about the process of writing, or about the business of writing.    

So, you want to self-publish your manuscript—

Self-publishing with Graham Bird So, you want to self-publish your manuscript—easy peasy, right? Well, maybe. It all depends on what you want to be when you grow up.   That is the question Graham Bird, asks all his marketing clients. Graham is asking what you want to and why. The answers he says will prevent […]