Vampires are Abroad
Congratulations to Stella Fosse on the publication of her new novel Vampires of a Certain Age. Widely available from independent bookstores (try for delivery anywhere) and on all electronic platforms. Reviews are always welcome!
2023 Flash Prose Guidelines
2023 Flash Prose Guidelines Writers’ Morning Out will begin accepting submissions for the thirteenth annual Flash Prose contest on August 1. Contest rules encourage writers to read and follow guidelines when submitting. Publishers and agents assume writers who cannot follow guidelines will be hard to work with. Who wants to work with someone who’s difficult? […]
Romance: Top Selling Genre
Jody Savage, author of Brilliant Charming Bastard: The Best Revenge is Getting Rich, introduced us to Romance, the highly structured yet creative, best-selling genre. She emphasized that Romance is about relationships far more than exoticism. The genre is character-driven—in contrast to say thrillers—and always begins with conflicts, both within the main characters and between them. […]
August 30, 7:00 p.m.: Writers Discuss Craft
Join Tracy Crow for an informative, fun discussion about the craft of writing. Please let Tracy know if there is an aspect of craft you would like to discuss.
August 20, 1:00 p.m. Writers Morning Out
“Moments in Miniature” with MaxieJane Frazier Please join us to study flash fiction and nonfiction writing by reading from inspiring authors and considering the effect of this abbreviated form. From the power of implication to landing big metaphors, we’ll unpack the hows and whys of flash writing. In the end we’ll respond to a prompt […]
August 13, 1:00 p.m.: Writers Discuss Writing
Please join Carol Philips for a lively and entertaining discussion about all things writing. You are welcome to bring your questions and concerns you have about your own work, about the process of writing, or about the business of writing.
Structure in Storytelling
Structure – the architecture that supports your story.
Chapbooks Aren’t Just for Poetry
Amy Sayre Batista, Primitivity (fiction), Judith Stanton, Deer Diaries (poetry), Ralph Earle, The Way the Rain Works (poetry), and Ruth Moose Tea (poetry) talked about chapbooks, saying that putting together their collections made the individual pieces and their work in general stronger. What is the history of chapbooks? Chapbooks began popular in the 1600s […]
Purple Prose, Throat Clearing and Info Dump–oh my~
At the April 9, 2022 Slush Pile event, our panel of three editors/agents responded to twelve very interesting entries. Noah Stetzer, a poet and editor at Bull City Press, Tracy Crowe of Tracy Crowe Literary Agency, and Ty Stumpf, a poet, editor, and chair of the English Department at CCCC—all treated us to an […]
“Yellow” by Katelyn Vause
The color of my childhood was yellow. Pine pollen pooled like spilled paint in puddles, sprinkled across windshields and wide lawns. The heat of the southern sun warmed my skin, clumsily clasped grasshopper legs cut my fingertips between trips to the oak tree, where a number two pencil tracked my misadventures. I scattered […]