Below are links to recent and ongoing submission opportunities. Please email us if you know of opportunities not listed that may be of interest to other members. We’ll be happy to include them.
When submitting always follow the guidelines!
Each month editors and agents receive hundreds if not thousands of unsolicited manuscripts to read. As they read through the pile, they look for that gem, that Pushcart winner, that next bestseller. But mostly, they just want to make a dent in the stack and go home. A submission that does not follow their guidelines is an easy target for rejection: Agents and editors assume that a writer who cannot follow instructions on how to submit will be hard to work with. Who wants to work with a difficult colleague?
Give your manuscript a chance and follow the guidelines. Use them as a checklist before you hit the send button.
Red Clay Review
Red Clay Review – CCCC’s literature and art magazine – is back! And, calling for submissions for their next issue. Contributors can submit prose up
Calling All Playwrights!
The Del Shores Foundation is based on the career and work of Sordid Lives creator and playwright/director/producer Del Shores. Our mission is to
Upcoming Submission Opportunities
Do you have a story, poem, or play ready to go? See if one of these calls will work for your piece: 05/31/21. Deadline. One
Ongoing Submission Opportunities
Do you have trouble keeping deadlines in mind? Or, perhaps you just finished a brilliant piece and want to submit now! Listed below are sites