I won’t forget the Red-winged Blackbirds’ song
They sing, O Conk-er-ree O Conk-er-ree
Return of Spring, they flock one million strong
I never heard them here before, you see
I cannot spy them, though, in trees too high
They sat on swaying cattails by our lake
O Conk-er-ree, O Conk-er-ree, one cries
His glossy feathers shine, make no mistake
He puffs his shoulder patches yellow, red
Protecting home, his mates and chicks
O Conk-er-ree, O Conk-er-ree, I said
They stopped their tumbling songs so quick to quit
I’m here, also, old friends, O Conk-er-ree
Can you hear me, I said. Can you hear me?