“Out West Trip March, 1989” by Caren Stuart
Rising, surprising, from Arizona’s dry palette, Jerome is still clinging to the side of its hill, its roads steeply climbing and lined with the houses and shops built by miners long since moved on, where Slim Chance & Friends are pickin’ nights at The Palace drinkin’ watered down high balls in tall, smoky rooms, where […]
“Deer Scat” by Judith Stanton
Scat in the rose beds, scat in the drive, under the pine trees, dotting the lawn, down in the ditches where day lilies grow, scattered on flagstones that lead to the porch, by the nandina the deer strip of red berries, over to beauty bushes and swamp azalea they prune for us. […]
Sweet Deal by Sam Barbee
Deities are nomads – clapping wanderers spilling and spouting wisdoms on slopes, in tents until enough of us sanctify a place they can call home. A cellar, a barn, church, temple or tabernacle – out of the weather, in from the hillside – upgrade the boulder to ornate altar. Polish the halo beneath […]