Nancy Williard
WMO: Why do you write? NW: I remember sitting in a treehouse at ten singing songs and telling myself stories. I cannot remember not writing. WMO: What themes and ideas do you like to explore? NW: I seem to write a lot about trauma. In my fiction I often have young “coming of age” […]
Jody Savage
WMO: Why do you write? JS: When I was a kid, I read an interview with Ray Bradbury where he said the books in the library were his family and he wanted to join them on the shelf. That resonated with me. Not to write and publish books seems inconceivable—although as life worked out, […]
July: George Kauffman III
I have been writing most of my life. I majored in creative writing in college long ago, but haven’t been serious about it until December 2019. Then I joined Writers Morning Out and thought about it more seriously. I wrote military medical history at Walter Reed Medical Center during Vietnam, and have published […]
June: Leslie Selbst
Hi, fellow inkblots, I came to writing quite by accidentally. I was a high school science teacher and although I could easily recite genus and species, dissecting sentences were a bit of a challenge. Becoming a writer wasn’t even on my bucket list. But a diagnosis of an aggressive malignancy, during […]
May: Bonnie Olsen
WMO: Why do you write? I started writing to create the book I wanted to read. Simple as that. WMO: What have you already written/published? I’ve written way more than I’ve published, but I do have one short story in an anthology called Carolina Crimes: 21 Tales of Need, […]