Everything everywhere uniquely them
Carefully expensively sought and caught
Pinterest perfect HGTV inspired
Trending on something somewhere surely
Furniture for looks over function crafted
from exotic woods sustainably grown
Busy bold and big art filling
vast spans on their ultra-white walls
Sleek spotless shiny kitchen toys
and appliances specific to gourmet tasks
Pottery bowls of fresh this healthful that
all locally sourced organic and artisanal
Closets hung with more fashion than style
Clothes for every season occasion activity
Labels, like billboards, on his shirts
Logos, like cattle brands, on her bags
“Why doesn’t it feel like home?”
they asked the tasteful sofa.
The sofa sighed, whispering softly
to their designer-clad backsides,
“Because it isn’t you.
It isn’t anyone at all.”
“Maybe we need to re-do the drapes,”
they mused over Merlot.